Darrell Page may be the lone incumbent for the Midland Town Council race, but don’t call him a politician.
He never had aspirations of becoming president or a governor, but friends encouraged him to run for Town Council in 2003. He believes those serving on the council should work toward the overall good of the town and its citizens.
“The town was new, and I felt like we needed to make sure we have people who were working for the town that had grown up here,” Page said.
Page was born and reared in Midland, as were his parents, grandparents and great grandfather.
He describes Midland as the center of accessibility to four major towns: Albemarle, Charlotte, Concord and Monroe.
Fellow councilman Allen Burnette described Page as dedicated and knowledgeable.
“He’s very dedicated to the town and community,” Burnette said . “He has the town’s as a whole best interest of heart.”
Page would like another term on the town council to follow through on providing the town water and sewer services, as well as helping provide more county resources in town, such as library service and resources for the town’s senior citizens.
Page served in the Air National Guard for 35 years, seeing action in operations Desert Storm, Desert Shield and Enduring Freedom. He’s currently employed at Duke Energy in Charlotte, where he manages data and maintenance for transmission stations.
-Justin Vick