Don Fleener believes in empowering Midland residents to get involved in the community.
Fleener said those serving on Town Council need to open the lines of communication so the public can add to the discussion of important issues, such as growth.
“When you’re on an elected body, it’s your responsibility to do everything humanly possible to engage people,” Fleener said.
Fleener moved to Midland in 1994.
He owns TSS Electrics, a small family business. Prior to that, Fleener spent more than 15 years in plant engineering maintenance in the Charlotte area.
Fleener has been involved with Midland since before it was incorporated in 2000, serving as a member of the Midland Community Association.
He was appointed to the Midland Planning and Zoning Board in 2000 and served for three years. He chaired the board for more than a year and also served a year as vice chairman.
Bob McCoy of Midland said he was impressed by Fleener when they both served on the board.
“He asked the questions I thought needed to be asked,” McCoy said. “He’s got a mind of his own. Too many people on these boards go along with the crowd.”
Fleener considers himself a strong advocate for managed growth.
— Justin Vick