Hobby? What’s a hobby?
Or so says Concord resident Tom Small, who runs his own community association management company called Llams Inc. — his last name spell backwards.
He said work takes almost all his time for a hobby.
Small, 54, is challenging Concord City Councilman David Phillips for the board District 1 seat in the 2007 municipal election.
“I work seven days a week and take off where I can,” Small said. “Maybe for church.”
So Small’s hobby has, in his own way, become photography.
“I carry a camera with me all the time,” he said, “and take unique photos of things.”
One of those times occurred not too long ago.
“A couple Sundays ago, I came up on a huge motorboat sitting in the middle of the road,” he said. “Then, a little way up the road, there was the truck that was carrying it.”
Small took some quick photos.
In relation to the work he does with community associations, Small said he has also become efficient as working with wood and fabricating certain pieces he needs.
“A few years ago, I needed a crescent-shaped desk, and I couldn’t find one anywhere,” Small said. “So I went out and bought a table-saw and other material, and made the desk I needed.”
Other than that, Small called himself “kind of boring.”
He stays updated on current events by reading all local newspapers and other news magazines.
“I try very hard to know what’s going on,” he said.
Ladoska Keeter got to know Small eight years ago when she first moved to the area.
“Personally and professionally, he was good for making contacts,” she said. “I think he’s knowledgeable about the community and knows a lot of people around the area. And he’s good to know.”
— Eric C. Deines