Beaver, 80, is the town’s mayor pro-tem. He was first elected in 1993 and said he is running again to see through improvement projects already started.
“Over the last 14 years, I feel we’ve made tremendous progress,” Beaver said. “I’ve tried to be progressive and continue to provide high-quality services to citizens while planning for the future.”
Beaver said three new housing developments will bring about 1,600 new houses to Landis in the next five years. The bond referendum to pay for upgrades to the town’s water and sewer system is necessary to the town’s future.
“It is vital to get those passed,” Beaver said. “They are cutting in the road at The Club at Irish Creek. That is revenue that we will be getting.”
Beaver grew up in Landis and spent his career at Linn-Corriher Textile Mill, for 47 years. He has seen Landis progress from a textile town to a bedroom community in southern Rowan County. Now he sees the growth around Landis as a boon for the town.-Ben McNeely