Dr. Hector Henry said he hopes to brew just the slightest bit of recklessness into his grandchildren.
While Henry’s sons are raising his three grandchildren to have very healthy diets, devoid of soft drinks and fast food — Henry said he hopes to introduce them to those “finer” things.
“My granddaughter has never tasted Coke,” said Henry, 66. “But I’m going to change that.”
Henry is running unchallenged in the race for Concord’s District 6 seat.
This is not to say that Henry, a pediatric and adult urologist, has run everyday for 25 years and lifts weights regularly.
“I started running the day after the first Charlotte marathon,” Henry said. “I had some friends who ran in it, and the next day I asked them
Since then, Henry said it has become part of his life.
“It may make you a little sore from time to time, but so does everything else,” Henry said.
Henry is also a big sports fan.
Like every good North Carolina native, he’s a big basketball fan. But he also said he loves women’s softball.
“I think the game moves faster than baseball,” Henry said.
He’s also very-well traveled. Aside from his experiences overseas in the military, Henry did some of his medical schooling at Tulane University in New Orleans.
One would think it’s not the easiest place in the world to get serious studying done.
“That’s when you’re very young and full of bullets — it’s hard to do undergraduate school,” he said. “Hopefully, by the time you get to medical school, you’ve gotten over some of that. But there were some days when it was tough.”
He’s also met a couple presidents — John F. Kennedy and Jimmy Carter.
Kennedy he met through a friend’s father the years before he left for medical school and the year before Kennedy made his run for president.
Jimmy Carter he met at a pancake breakfast on Concord’s Boys Club when Carter was campaigning for president.
“There a (published) photo of President Carter serving pancakes, but I’m not in it,” Henry said. “I’m standing right across from him, handing him a plate of pancakes.”
— Eric C. Deines