Jimmie Higgins, chair of the town’s parks and recreation committee, ran for council before in 2005. He lost his bid for a seat by 18 votes, he said.
Now, he wants another try.
“People come to the board with agendas and issues,” Higgins said. “I want to see people that will work for the town.”
Higgins spoke out against the council’s decision not to put a liquor-by-the-drink referendum on the ballot in March. He said the council took residents’ right to vote on the issue away.
Higgins, 62, owns Higgins Automotive on U.S. 29, between Salisbury and China Grove.
He said with the growth coming to the town, more parks will be needed.
“The town doesn’t have a large park,” Higgins said. “The ones we have now can barely service our residents now.”
He said he believes the town’s population will double in the next five to 10 years.
“There are other parks planned for the town,” Higgins said. “We need a major park.”
Higgins takes his passion for cars home with him. He restores old cars and shows them at cruise-ins and car shows all over.
“I take a 1964 Pontiac Starchief to the car shows,” Higgins said. “That’s the one that is really fixed up.”
In addition to the Starchief, he has a 1932 Ford pick-up truck, a 1958 Chevy Impala and 1963 Pontiac Bonneville.
Higgins said he is a conservative and he wants to have like-minded candidates to be elected to Town Council. -Ben McNeely